Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Activity 5

Before I began this activity I didn't know very much about the Coriolis effect. This activity made us find out what the Coriolis effect really was. I learned that the Coriolis effect doesn't always have to refer just to the earth, it can refer to anything that rotates. Also i learned that the northern and southern hemisphere rotate in the opposite directions. The earths water can't keep up with the solid earth surface.This relates to cyclones by the winds and the ocean currents because of how they can help form a cyclone or an hurricane.


Monday, April 14, 2008


A Cyclone is an area of low atmospheric pressure characterized by inward spiraling winds that rotate counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere of the Earth. A cyclone may also be classified as a tropical storm, tornado, or an extratropical cyclones. Also depending on the location of the cyclone it may be referred to as hurricane, typhoon or cyclonic storm. Cold-core cyclones form due to the nearby presence of an upper level trough, which increases divergence over an area that induces upward motion and surface low pressure.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Greenhouse Effect

Before this activity i thought that the sun should stilll have enough rays to get through the clouds and heat the earth. In this activity , i learned that the sun has a very hard time to get through the clouds when it is a cloudy day. The suns rays are not able to get through the clouds , so that cant heat up the earth as capable as it could be. So that will usually lead us with a cloudy or rainy day.The process of the sun heating up a planet is called the greenhouse effect.This effects a cyclones because the sun will heat up the some of the water and then the other water that is cold will mix and then start a cyclone from the currents.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Why Mother Nature Is Playing April Fools On Us

This whole winter and spring, mother nature has been unpredictable because we can never tell what the weather is going to be. I thought that the main reason we have got bad weather is because of the jet streams that come down from Canada. There is two jet streams one that goes down to through California and through the southwest and up towards the east coast. Then the northern one comes through the North and South Dakota and may go through Michigan if one delays the other one and forces it to go up into Michigan screwing up our weather. Also the ocean currents can effect our weather because of how they have winds that force the jet streams to move up or down depending on where the current is. We also get alot of our weather from the Great Lakes because of the lake effect we get. The La Nina is a current from the pacific ocean. The La Nina current relates to cyclones because of the ablilty to force cyclones because of there strong current.